Quick Start

Setup the backend

Assuming you have installed all the above in the home folder, the first thing you needs to do is to start MongoDB by:

$nohup /home/mongodb-linux-x86_64-2.4.4/bin/mongod --dbpath /home/mongodata/db/

Then you can start the backend server by the command below:

$nohup python /home/backend/restserver.py

If the server works normally, you will see the following messages indicating the http server – “bottle” is working and waiting to respond client’s request:

2015-09-25 18:38:41,789 : INFO : gensim_lsa_clustering.py started
Building Trie..., from /home/backend/dict/dict.txt.big
loading model from cache /tmp/jieba.user.5689562627647743447.cache
loading model cost  2.00677394867 seconds.
Trie has been built succesfully.
2015-09-25 18:38:47,550 : INFO : pretextprocess.py started
2015-09-25 18:38:51,570 : INFO : classification.py started
2015-09-25 18:38:51,570 : INFO : sentimententry.py started
2015-09-25 18:38:51,580 : INFO : Server started
Bottle v0.11.6 server starting up (using WSGIRefServer())...
Listening on
Hit Ctrl-C to quit.

You can also simply run the shell script – startbackend.sh to automatically initialize your MongoDB and the backend server:

$bash utilities/startbackend.sh

The following message in the console indicates the initiation works:

Kill the related processes
Start MongoDB
Wait 5 secs until MongoDB starts
nohup: redirecting stderr to stdout
bash startbackend.sh Start REST server
Done, use PS and tail to check the status of the server!
Search the processes from PS and show their status
MongoDB Running!
REST server Running!

You can run the commands like ps or top to check if the processes – mongod and python are working:

$ ps aux

thecity4 13686  0.0  0.0  11656  1784 pts/0    S    18:37   0:00 -bash
thecity4 23493  0.3  0.1 348472 38420 pts/0    Sl   18:43   0:07 /home/mongodb-linux-x86_64-2.4.4/bin/mongod --dbpath /home/mongodata/db/
thecity4 23608  0.4  2.3 974056 668832 pts/0   S    18:43   0:09 python /home/backend/restserver.py
thecity4 29121  0.0  0.0  13376  1032 pts/0    R+   19:20   0:00 ps aux

You can also check the log by running the command to know about the server initialization status:

$cat rest_log/server_init.log

2015-09-25 18:38:41,789 : INFO : gensim_lsa_clustering.py started
Building Trie..., from /home/backend/dict/dict.txt.big
loading model from cache /tmp/jieba.user.5689562627647743447.cache
loading model cost  2.00677394867 seconds.
Trie has been built succesfully.
2015-09-25 18:38:47,550 : INFO : pretextprocess.py started
2015-09-25 18:38:51,570 : INFO : classification.py started
2015-09-25 18:38:51,570 : INFO : sentimententry.py started
2015-09-25 18:38:51,580 : INFO : Server started
Bottle v0.11.6 server starting up (using WSGIRefServer())...
Listening on
Hit Ctrl-C to quit.

Note that if your MongoDB, its database file and the backend are installed in the different location, you need to modify the executing path in startbackend.sh

Now it’s time to do the quick test for the backend.

You can simply run the utility called clienttest.py which is basically to simulate the frontend’s behavior to test whether the REST and the relevant features – Chinese segmentation, LSA and sentiment from the backend server work or not. However, notice that you need to change mycorpus_url according to your server IP or URL before you start clienttest.py.

If you can see the results above, that means the backend server works now:

$python tests/clienttest.py

############## Try Chinese segmentation!!! ##############
start to POST : Chinese segmentation
{"POST": {"p10": ["\u6211\u660e\u5929\u8981\u8b8a\u6210\u5c0f\u9ed1\u4eba\u4e86\u2026\u2026"], "p11": ["\u6211\u771f\u7684\u4e0d\u662f\u5f88\u559c\u6
b61\u6211\u7b11\u8d77\u4f86\u7279\u5927\u4e14\u8a6d\u7570\u7684\u9152\u7aa9 =..="], "p12": ["\u6211\u5011\u53ef\u4ee5\u8aaa\u8a71\u6574\u665a\u4e0d\u
8981\u592a\u65e9\u8aaa\u665a\u5b89"], "p13": ["\u5982\u679c\u6bcf\u6b21\u60f3\u54ed\u5c31\u5012\u7acb\u6211\u5927\u6982\u5012\u7acb\u982d\u8f49\u5927
\u98a8\u8eca\u6a23\u6a23\u4f86\u4e86\u5427"], "p14": ["\u6211\u525b\u525b\u770b\u5230\u4e86\u597d\u591a\u597d\u591a\u5b8c\u6574\u7121\u8aa4\u6211\u52
4d\u5929\u5728\u53f0\u4e2d\u5403\u62c9\u9eb5\u88e1\u9762\u7684\u7389\u7c73XD"], "p15": ["\u7121\u5e38\u4e4b\u9593\uff0c\u4e00\u5207\u5168\u662f\u8eab
e\u6ec5\u2026\u2026"], "p2": ["\u6211\u8981\u6191\u8457\u81ea\u5df1\u7684\u52aa\u529b\u8b8a\u6210\u5167\u5916\u517c\u5177\u7684\u5c0f\u5bcc\u5a46\uff
01\u81ea\u5df1\u990a\u81ea\u5df1\uff01\u81ea\u5df1\u990a\u5168\u5bb6\uff01\u6211\u53ef\u4ee5\uff01\uff01\uff01\uff01"], "p3": ["\u6211\u8981\u7121\u6
575\u4e86"], "p1": ["\u70ba\u4ec0\u9ebc\u738b\u5b50\u7684\u7d04\u6703\u88e1\u9762\u7684\u5973\u751f\u52d5\u4e0d\u52d5\u5c31\u7d66\u738b\u5b50\u7684\u
6ec5\u71c8\u5440"], "p6": ["\u6211\u5c45\u7136\u5728\u8389\u8389\u5916\u5a46\u5bb6\u5531\u5bb6\u5ead\u5f0f\u5361\u5566OK\uff01\uff01\u5537\u547c"], "
p7": ["\u5982\u679c\u6709\u4eba\u7684\u5fc3\u610f\u8b93\u4f60\u731c\u4e0d\u900f\u5225\u60f3\u4e86\u7b54\u6848\u5c31\u662f\u4ed6(\u5979)\u6c92\u90a3\u
9ebc\u559c\u6b61\u4f60(\u59b3)\u3002"], "p4": ["\u6211\u5011\u501a\u8cf4\u5225\u4eba\u4f86\u6392\u9063\u5bc2\u5bde\uff0c\u4e0d\u9858\u8ddf\u81ea\u5df
1\u7368\u8655\u3002"], "p5": ["\u539f\u672c\u60f3\u8aaa\u7b97\u4e86\uff01\u80d6\u5c31\u80d6\uff5e\u80d6\u5b50\u4e5f\u6709\u80d6\u5b50\u7684\u5e02\u58
34\uff01\u9019\u56de\u5152\u3002\u3002\u3002\u4e0d\u7626\u4e0d\u884c\u4e86"], "p8": ["\u6839\u672c\u5c31\u5831\u540d\u4e0d\u5230\u554a T_T"], "p9": [
"\u8ca7\u7aae\u4e26\u4e0d\u53ef\u6015\uff0c\u53ef\u6015\u7684\u662f\u90a3\u9846\u8ca7\u7aae\u6175\u61f6\u7684\u5fc3\u3002"]}, "_id": "c108"}
text/html; charset=UTF-8
Start to GET Chinese segmentation
### the segmentation results for LSA ###

富婆 全家

王子 女生 王子
外婆家 家庭式 卡啦
心意 答案

原本 胖子 胖子


身外之物 人 隨花 事
### the segmentation results for sentiment ###

我要 憑著 自己 的 努力 變成 內外 兼具 的 小 富婆 ! 自己 養 自己 ! 自己 養 全家 ! 我 可以 ! ! ! !
我要 無敵 了
為什麼 王子 的 約會 裡面 的 女生 動不動 就給 王子 的 滅燈 呀
我 居然 在 莉莉 外婆家 唱 家庭式 卡啦 OK ! ! 唷 呼
如果 有人 的 心意 讓 你 猜不透 別想 了 答案 就是 他 ( 她 ) 沒 那麼 喜歡 你 ( 妳 ) 。
我們 倚賴 別人 來 排遣 寂寞 , 不願 跟 自己 獨處 。
原本 想 說 算了 ! 胖 就 胖 ~ 胖子 也 有 胖子 的 市場 ! 這回 兒 。 。 。 不瘦 不行 了
根本 就 報名 不到 啊 T _ T
貧窮 並不 可怕 , 可怕 的 是 那顆 貧窮 慵懶 的 心 。
我 明天 要 變成 小 黑人 了 … …
我 真的 不是 很 喜歡 我笑 起來 特大 且 詭異 的 酒窩 = .. =
我們 可以 說話 整晚 不要 太早 說 晚安
如果 每次 想 哭 就 倒立 我 大概 倒立 頭轉 大風車 樣樣 來 了 吧
我 剛剛 看到 了 好多好多 完整 無誤 我 前天 在 台 中 吃 拉 麵 裡面 的 玉米 XD
無常 之間 , 一切 全是 身外之物 聚散 之間 , 悲歡離合 半點 不由 人到 了 , 都 隨花 事 湮滅 … …
### exam the the received JSON output ###

{u'POST_sentiment': {u'p2': [u'\u6211\u8981 \u6191\u8457 \u81ea\u5df1 \u7684 \u52aa\u529b \u8b8a\u6210 \u5167\u5916 \u517c\u5177 \u7684 \u5c0f \u5bcc
\u5a46 \uff01 \u81ea\u5df1 \u990a \u81ea\u5df1 \uff01 \u81ea\u5df1 \u990a \u5168\u5bb6 \uff01 \u6211 \u53ef\u4ee5 \uff01 \uff01 \uff01 \uff01'], u'p3
': [u'\u6211\u8981 \u7121\u6575 \u4e86'], u'p1': [u'\u70ba\u4ec0\u9ebc \u738b\u5b50 \u7684 \u7d04\u6703 \u88e1\u9762 \u7684 \u5973\u751f \u52d5\u4e0d
\u52d5 \u5c31\u7d66 \u738b\u5b50 \u7684 \u6ec5\u71c8 \u5440'], u'p6': [u'\u6211 \u5c45\u7136 \u5728 \u8389\u8389 \u5916\u5a46\u5bb6 \u5531 \u5bb6\u5e
ad\u5f0f \u5361\u5566 OK \uff01 \uff01 \u5537 \u547c'], u'p7': [u'\u5982\u679c \u6709\u4eba \u7684 \u5fc3\u610f \u8b93 \u4f60 \u731c\u4e0d\u900f \u52
25\u60f3 \u4e86 \u7b54\u6848 \u5c31\u662f \u4ed6 ( \u5979 ) \u6c92 \u90a3\u9ebc \u559c\u6b61 \u4f60 ( \u59b3 ) \u3002'], u'p4': [u'\u6211\u5011 \u501
a\u8cf4 \u5225\u4eba \u4f86 \u6392\u9063 \u5bc2\u5bde \uff0c \u4e0d\u9858 \u8ddf \u81ea\u5df1 \u7368\u8655 \u3002'], u'p5': [u'\u539f\u672c \u60f3 \u
8aaa \u7b97\u4e86 \uff01 \u80d6 \u5c31 \u80d6 \uff5e \u80d6\u5b50 \u4e5f \u6709 \u80d6\u5b50 \u7684 \u5e02\u5834 \uff01 \u9019\u56de \u5152 \u3002 \u
3002 \u3002 \u4e0d\u7626 \u4e0d\u884c \u4e86'], u'p8': [u'\u6839\u672c \u5c31 \u5831\u540d \u4e0d\u5230 \u554a T _ T'], u'p9': [u'\u8ca7\u7aae \u4e26
\u4e0d \u53ef\u6015 \uff0c \u53ef\u6015 \u7684 \u662f \u90a3\u9846 \u8ca7\u7aae \u6175\u61f6 \u7684 \u5fc3 \u3002'], u'p10': [u'\u6211 \u660e\u5929 \
u8981 \u8b8a\u6210 \u5c0f \u9ed1\u4eba \u4e86 \u2026 \u2026'], u'p11': [u'\u6211 \u771f\u7684 \u4e0d\u662f \u5f88 \u559c\u6b61 \u6211\u7b11 \u8d77\u4
f86 \u7279\u5927 \u4e14 \u8a6d\u7570 \u7684 \u9152\u7aa9 = .. ='], u'p12': [u'\u6211\u5011 \u53ef\u4ee5 \u8aaa\u8a71 \u6574\u665a \u4e0d\u8981 \u592a
\u65e9 \u8aaa \u665a\u5b89'], u'p13': [u'\u5982\u679c \u6bcf\u6b21 \u60f3 \u54ed \u5c31 \u5012\u7acb \u6211 \u5927\u6982 \u5012\u7acb \u982d\u8f49 \u
5927\u98a8\u8eca \u6a23\u6a23 \u4f86 \u4e86 \u5427'], u'p14': [u'\u6211 \u525b\u525b \u770b\u5230 \u4e86 \u597d\u591a\u597d\u591a \u5b8c\u6574 \u7121
\u8aa4 \u6211 \u524d\u5929 \u5728 \u53f0 \u4e2d \u5403 \u62c9 \u9eb5 \u88e1\u9762 \u7684 \u7389\u7c73 XD'], u'p15': [u'\u7121\u5e38 \u4e4b\u9593 \uff
0c \u4e00\u5207 \u5168\u662f \u8eab\u5916\u4e4b\u7269 \u805a\u6563 \u4e4b\u9593 \uff0c \u60b2\u6b61\u96e2\u5408 \u534a\u9ede \u4e0d\u7531 \u4eba\u523
0 \u4e86 \uff0c \u90fd \u96a8\u82b1 \u4e8b \u6e6e\u6ec5 \u2026 \u2026']}, u'_id': u'c108', u'POST_LSA': {u'p2': [u'\u5bcc\u5a46 \u5168\u5bb6'], u'p3'
: [u''], u'p1': [u'\u738b\u5b50 \u5973\u751f \u738b\u5b50'], u'p6': [u'\u5916\u5a46\u5bb6 \u5bb6\u5ead\u5f0f \u5361\u5566'], u'p7': [u'\u5fc3\u610f \
u7b54\u6848'], u'p4': [u''], u'p5': [u'\u539f\u672c \u80d6\u5b50 \u80d6\u5b50'], u'p8': [u''], u'p9': [u'\u5fc3'], u'p10': [u'\u9ed1\u4eba'], u'p11':
 [u''], u'p12': [u'\u665a\u5b89'], u'p13': [u'\u982d'], u'p14': [u'\u7389\u7c73'], u'p15': [u'\u8eab\u5916\u4e4b\u7269 \u4eba \u96a8\u82b1 \u4e8b']}}

############## Try LSA clustering!!! ##############

start to LSA POST

test first mode : use _dbid to pick the previous processed segmented data from Chinese seg DB

{"_id": 1, "_dbid": "c108"}
text/html; charset=UTF-8
post sucesses
start to LSA GET

### exam the the full JSON output ###

{u'topic_assignments': {u'1': [u'\u5bcc\u5a46', u'\u5168\u5bb6', u'\u5fc3\u610f', u'\u5916\u5a46\u5bb6'], u'0': [u'\u982d', u'\u9ed1\u4eba', u'\u5fc3
', u'\u7389\u7c73'], u'2': [u'\u7389\u7c73', u'\u738b\u5b50', u'\u80d6\u5b50', u'\u665a\u5b89']}, u'post_assignments': {u'p2': 1, u'p3': u'NB', u'p1'
: 2, u'p6': 0, u'p7': 0, u'p4': u'NB', u'p5': 2, u'p8': u'NB', u'p9': 0, u'p10': 0, u'p11': u'NB', u'p12': 2, u'p13': 0, u'p14': 2, u'p15': 2}, u'_id
': u'c108'}

############## Try SENTIMENT!!! ##############
text/html; charset=UTF-8
post sucesses
{u'_id': u'c108', u'sentiment': {u'p2': 0, u'p3': 0, u'p1': 0, u'p6': 0, u'p7': 0, u'p4': 0, u'p5': 0, u'p8': 0, u'p9': -1, u'p10': 0, u'p11': 0, u'p
12': 0, u'p13': 0, u'p14': 0, u'p15': 0}}

You can also observe the server operations on the fly or debug by running the command below:

$tail -f rest_log/restinfo.log

Setup the frontend

You simply make sure you put all frontend codes in www folder and start your htttp server before open index.php by any your favorite browser.

In the case of demo, the full URL is:

Then you can see the login screen below
