REST APIs (Draft)


All API access is over HTTPS, and accessed from (or through for demo). All data is sent and received as JSON.

Representations Overview

When you fetch a list of resources, the response includes a subset of the attributes for that resource. This is the “summary” representation of the resource.

Chinese segmentation

Example: When you want to segement any chinese sentence into a list of words, you need to use http POST command with sentences you want to apply for.

Input Example(POST):

{"_id": "c1", "POST":{"p1":[ u"密胸發動機" ,u"全球快訊" ],"p2":[u"深夜食堂/吉林路尾麵攤 傍晚家鄉味" ,u" 美食-欣傳媒-最好吃" ],"p3":[u"可以食堂說吃一個蘋果!! @ 循環木~大明星 :: 隨意窩 Xuite日誌" ]}}


POST http://yourdomain:8080/mycorpus/chinesesegs

Example: when you want to retrive the results of Chinese segmentation:

GET http://yourdomain:8080/mycorpus/chinesesegs/_id

Idea clustering

Example: When you want to processs and get the main idea of each sentence you requested (or fb post)

Input Example(POST):

{"_id": 1,"_dbid": "c1"}


POST http://yourdomain:8080/mycorpus/lsa

GET     http://yourdomain:8080/mycorpus/lsa/_id

Sentiment Analysis

Example: When you want to processs and get the sentiment status of each sentence you requested (or fb post)

Input Example (POST):

{"_id": 1,"_dbid": "c1"}


POST http://yourdomain:8080/mycorpus/sentiment

GET     http://yourdomain:8080/mycorpus/sentiment/_id